What type of Guild Should You Run?
Obviously, the first step of creating a guild is your charter, which you can get
Obviously, the first step of creating a guild is your charter, which you can get
I am the player that will proudly say I am addicted to this game and
I’ve always been first and foremost a leveler. Though I have raided in the past
Amidst all that Lady Sylvanas Windrunner has done, there are still players who love her.
At BlizzConline, Blizzard announced the next step in Shadowlands with a trailer. With Denathrius defeated,
Farming comes in many different forms, whether it be for gold or materials to make
Over time, World of Warcraft has gotten easier to play, but it still harvests challenges.
We have all questioned what Lady Sylvanas’s intentions were since the last expansion, maybe some
We have all seen the cinematics, or you would hope so. We have listened to
Shadowlands is coming to retail in late 2020. With the launch of alpha many players